To investigate the effect of hyperinsulinemia on arteriolar hypertroph
y, myocardial hypertrophy, and blood pressure, we administered insulin
intraperitoneally to SHR and WKY rats for 3 consecutive weeks. To pre
vent hypoglycemia, the drinking water contained 10% sugar, and to acce
ntuate the blood pressure, their chow contained 8% table salt. Blood p
ressure was measured by the tail-cuff method. Heart weights were facto
red with body weights. Arterioles of similar to 100 mu m in diameter w
ere examined at the end of the experiment and the vascular wall thickn
ess was factored with the lumen diameter. At the end of 3 weeks, blood
pressure rose in the SHR but not in the WKY rats. The heart weights i
n the WKY normotensive rats did not increase, whereas in the SHR they
did. Furthermore, there was a significant rise in vessel wall thicknes
s in the rats that received insulin, whether there was a rise in blood
pressure or not and whether they had an increase in heart weight or n
ot. There was a similar rise in blood glucose in all the groups, with
slightly more accentuated rise in the SHR that received insulin. Never
theless the increase in vascular wall thickness occurred only in the g
roups which received insulin. This seems to preclude the importance of
hyperglycemia per se as the causative agent for the increase in vascu
lar wall thickness in this study. The increase was in the form of medi
al hypertrophy without any sign of atherosclerosis. It seems, therefor
e, that hyperinsulinemia is associated with hypertrophy of the media o
f arterioles regardless of the increase in heart weight or the rise in
blood pressure.