Eleven flint inbreds of maize were crossed with 11 dent inbreds accord
ing to a balanced incomplete factorial mating design to produce 66 sin
gle crosses (2W) in both reciprocal forms. Additionally, six three-way
crosses (3W) were also produced in both reciprocal forms. These hybri
ds were evaluated for 11 forage yield and quality traits in 1983 and 1
984 at three sites in Germany. Highly significant reciprocal differ en
ces were observed for nine traits in the 2W. The respective variance c
omponent estimates amounted to 2-33% of the variance component due to
crosses. On average, flint x dent 2W had lower dry-matter content (DMC
) than dent x flint 2W and a 1% greater dry-matter yield (DMY) of fora
ge. Three-way crosses produced on singles exhibited greater DMC (3%) a
nd DMY (5%) of the ear, metabolizable energy content (MEG) of stover (
1%), and DMC and DMY of forage (2%) than their reciprocal forms produc
ed on lines. Based on this study, because of their minor importance, r
outine testing for reciprocal differences among 2W hybrids is not reco