The power spectra of low latitude (L<3), groundbased recordings of day
side geomagnetic pulsations in the 10-100 mHz band indicate that these
pulsations come from discrete, driven field line resonances which are
coupled to compressional, magnetohydrodynamic, cavity or waveguide mo
des. The spectral bands of individual harmonics of the field line reso
nances seen by the magnetometers have envelopes which are-typically 10
's of mHz wide but also show a fine scale structure of almost equispac
ed peaks with separations of about 3 to 5 mHz. A WKB analysis of a cav
ity or waveguide model shows that the fine structure is likely due to
field line resonances driven by waveguide modes with turning points wi
thin the plasmasphere and reflection at the dayside magnetopause.