The June 9, 1994 deep Bolivian earthquake (M(W) = 8.3, d = 636 km) occ
urred on a nearly horizontal rupture plane with an approximate area of
2000 km(2). The rupture plane is constrained by directivity analysis
of the P wave displacement pulses recorded at local, regional, and tel
eseismic distances. The fact that there are local recordings of the di
splacement provides a strong constraint on the vertical extent of faul
ting, which is less than similar to 10 km. The moment release had at l
east four distinct episodes, or subevents. The best overall explanatio
n for the subevents is rupture which initiates on the western margin o
f the fault plane, propagates to the east, and then continues bilatera
lly along a 350 degrees azimuth with most of the moment release occurr
ing to the north. The apparent rupture velocity between subevents is v
ery low, approximately 1-2 km/s.