F. Legeleux et al., TRACE-METAL REMOVAL TO SEDIMENTS ON THE E ASTERN ATLANTIC CONTINENTALMARGINS, Comptes rendus de l'Academie des sciences. Serie II. Sciences de la terre et des planetes, 320(12), 1995, pp. 1195-1202
Th-230 and Pa-231 activities have been determined in trapped particula
te matter and superficial sediments at three sites in the tropical Atl
antic. The evaluation of radionuclide F/P ratios (particulate flux/pro
duction in the overlying water column) shows that eastern Atlantic con
tinental margins constitute an important sink for Pa-231. The removal
of this radionuclide is greatly dependent on the total mass flux, whil
e it is not the case for Th-230. These results strongly indicate that
large amounts of trace metals may be stored in these continental margi