The identity and genetic origins of the nonspecific orthophosphate mon
oesterases with an acid pH optimum - the acid phosphatases - are now b
ecoming clear. They form a family of genetically distinct isoenzymes,
many of which show significant posttranslational modification. Four tr
ue isoenzymes exist. The erythrocytic and lysosomal forms show widespr
ead distribution and an expressed in most cells; in contrast, the pros
tatic and macrophagic forms have a more limited expression. The erythr
ocytic and macrophagic forms are distinguished from the others in resi
sting inhibition by dextrorotatory tartrate. The prostatic form has lo
ng been used as a marker for prostatic cancer and the macrophagic form
s have been linked with miscellaneous disorders, notably increased ost
eolysis, Gaucher's disease of spleen, and hairy cell leukemia, whereas
the normal levels of intravesical lysosomal acid phosphatase in I cel
l disease pointed the way toward the mechanisms underlying its intrace
llular processing.