This study models net and gross sedimentation in lakes. The fluxes of
material play an important role in most lake contexts. They influence
transport, bio-uptake and ecological effects of most toxins and nutrie
nts. The aim is to present a new type of 'mixed' dynamic/statistical m
odel and to discuss advantages and disadvantages with this approach. E
mpirical data to validate the model emanate from sediment traps from 2
5 lakes, Rates of gross sedimentation in traps were compared to catchm
ent and morphometric parameters determined from maps in an attempt to
identify the processes that influence sedimentation. The most importan
t variables are relative depth (linked to resuspension), forest and op
en land cover (of the near area of the catchment), relief of catchment
, coverage of mires and lakes, and the lake water retention time. This
study shows that it is easy to lose predictive power in dynamic model
s relative to empirical models, in which each parameter constant and x
-parameter automatically accounts for the complexities in natural ecos
ystems. In dynamic models empirical knowledge is replaced by logical c
onstructions, which may not be accurate. The mixed model would need to
be extended with new large submodels to predict, for example mean dis
tribution coefficient of total-P in tributaries, tributary suspended l
oad, rate of sedimentation and resuspension rate. This would result in
a huge 'prescriptive' model with wide uncertainty limits for the pred
icted mean values for net and gross sedimentation.