The pretreatment mixed cross-sectional and longitudinal height measure
ments of 203 patients with Turner's syndrome (TS) were analysed. Only
one observation was included per year per child and a total of 858 obs
ervations formed the basis of the growth study. The mean and SD values
were fitted separately by a second-degree polynomial function, giving
smoothed growth curves. The spontaneous growth pattern of Chinese gir
ls with TS runs parallel to published Caucasian TS growth curves. The
mean final height of Chinese patients with TS was 142 cm compared to 1
47 cm and 139 cm observed in Northern European and Japanese patients,
respectively. Patients with the 46,X,i(Xq) karyotype were found to be
significantly shorter, whereas children with the 45,X/46,XY and 46,X,d
el(Xq) karyotypes were significantly taller among this group of patien
ts. Patients with TS who were disomic for Xp are significantly taller
than patients who were monosomic for Xp. Our results suggest that kary
otype can have a significant effect on the growth of children with TS.