We demonstrated previously that progesterone prevents ovariectomy-indu
ced bone loss. RU 486 is a synthetic steroid with antiprogesterone act
ivities in reproductive tissue. We used 12-week-old rats to evaluate e
ffects of RU 486 in sham-operated rats and to compare medroxyprogester
one (MPA), RU 486, and medroxyprogesterone plus RU 486 combined treatm
ent in ovariectomized rats. Ovariectomized rats were treated with MPA
(60 mg/kg intramuscularly), RU 486 (10 mg/kg/day subcutaneously every
4 days), both, or vehicle. Sham-operated rats were treated with simila
r doses of RU 486 or vehicle. After 4 weeks of treatment the rats were
sacrificed and bone histomorphometry was performed on proximal tibial
metaphysis. Trabecular bone volume was lower (33.9 +/- 1.5% vs. 46.3
+/- 1.4%) and bone turnover was higher in ovariectomized than in sham-
operated rats. The fraction of trabecular bone in OVX rats treated wit
h MPA, RU 486, or both were 41.6 +/- 2.5%, 44.8 +/- 2.8%, and 38.4 +/-
1.4%, respectively. Medroxyprogesterone treatment tended to preserve
bone mass by inhibiting the increased resorption indices while maintai
ning higher formation rates seen in ovariectomized rats. The effects o
f RU 486 were similar to those of medroxyprogesterone, suggesting an a
gonist-like effect. Medroxyprogesterone effects were attenuated when i
t was combined with RU 486, suggesting that RU 486 acted as a partial
antagonist in the presence of exogenous progesterone. Bone parameters
were less affected in sham-operated RU 486-treated rats, and there was
no significant change in bone volume (43.2 +/- 1.7%). Thus, RU 486 mi
micked the effects of progesterone on trabecular bone in ovariectomize
d rats when given alone, but acted as a partial antagonist when admini
stered together with progesterone.