In a recent paper Anders Jansson (1994) argued that a certain set of m
aladaptive behavior can be seen as antecendent to bad performance rath
er than as a consequence of control problems when dealing with the dyn
amic system ''Moro''. It is outlined in this paper: (a) that the patho
logies are not clearly defined, thus leading to the situation that two
pathologies with an identical set of indicators lead to opposite empi
rical results; (b) that the observation of pathologies cannot be free
from influences due to feedback of results; (c) that indicators of imp
ortant variables are missing, namely information about subjects' model
s and knowledge; (d) that the theoretical model which the author comes
up with reflects linear thinking and may, thus, be in itself ''pathol
ogical''. For these reasons Jansson's arguments are evaluated as being
not convincing.