A quantitative estimate of the datolite and danburite formation model
in the interaction of buried brine with saltbearing series of the salt
basin. The extimate was carried out by use of thermodynamic analysis.
The formation conditions of named borosilicates are as following: 1)
calcium enrichment of buried solutions in the process of direct metamo
rphism; 2) silica saturation of solutions in the leacing of amorphous
silica from the country sediments; 3) certain pH values of the solutio
ns: not below 5.0-5.5 for datolite formation and not below 4.3-5.0 for
danburite, formation. All these conditions are practically always sat
isfied in nature, thus the borosilicates of the saltbearing series cou
ld be considered as a natural product of salt rock diagenesis.