Scanning electron microscopy of feathers has revealed evidence that a
bacterial glycocalyx (a network of exocellular polysaccharide fibers)
played a role in promoting their fossilization in some cases. This mod
e of preservation has not been reported in other soft tissues. The maj
ority of fossil feathers are preserved as carbonized traces. More rare
ly, bacteria on the surface are replicated by authigenic minerals (bac
terial autolithification). The feathers of Archaeopteryx are preserved
mainly by imprintation following early lithification of the substrate
and decay of the feather. Lacustrine settings provide the most import
ant taphonomic window for feather preservation. Preservation in terres
trial and normal-marine settings involves very different processes (in
amber and in authigenically mineralized coprolites, respectively). Th
erefore, there mag be a significant bias in the avian fossil record in
favor of inland water habitats.