The paper deals with the possibilities to form and to use the developm
ent-and-stabilization policy able to secure a market equilibrium mutua
lly supporting the stabilization of an agreeable rate of economic grow
th and employment. It comes out of the finding that to solve the probl
em exclusively on the basis of a mere increase of aggregate demand is
even much more difficult in a transformation economy than it is under
standard market conditions. The decisive sphere of the development-and
-stabilization policy impact is seen on the supply side of the economy
because it were just the rigid production structures of the post-soci
alist countries that became the main reason of the transformation rece
ssion. Industrial policy supporting business activities whatever concr
ete economic sector is concerned is taken for the most important strat
um of the recession. The paper discovers wide space for an active oper
ation of the stale in an industrial policy even in the case that it gi
ves up a commanding formation and financing of the development program
mes. The goals of such an industrial policy are formulated to guarante
e a long term development of the economy based upon increase of labour
productivity and competitive capability in foreign markets and upon s
tructural changes overcoming production of goods with low or just aver
age degree of manufacturing which has been characteristic of the econo
my orientation up till now. This fact indicates the need to aim the in
dustrial policy primarily at the sphere of scientific and technical po
licy closely connected with the investment, exporting and education po
licy. The industrial policy oriented in this way should support the ac
tivities of those enterprise entities that will contribute - by their
real results gained in the world market - to the structural adaptation
of the economy. The industrial policy conceived in this way should no
t disturb but rather complete macroeconomic regulation. It should infl
uence creation of the resources needed to maintain a long-term interna
l and external balance and to create favourable transformation conditi
ons at the same time.