In harmonic analysis with fast Fourier transforms, referencing the pha
se at the centre of the spectral window is a useful means of perceivin
g a problem and conceiving a solution because, algebraically speaking,
the phase can be referenced anywhere. The Cramer-Rao bound is used to
demonstrate that the phase reconstruction error is minimum at the cen
tre of the data buffer acquired with a rectangular window. In more gen
eral terms, in the presence of a frequency- and amplitude-modulated si
nusoidal signal contaminated with noise, it is suggested that the spec
tral estimation gives the amplitude, frequency and phase of the signal
as it passes through the middle of the observation window. It is at t
he centre of this window that signal reconstruction is most accurate.
Furthermore, presenting a phase value referenced to another location o
ften makes the equations relating the phase more complicated to formul
ate. Different examples of applications are provided along with the re
asons why Hydro-Quebec has standardised this reference for its turbine
-generator monitoring system. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited