Previous studies on p53 protein expression in colonic adenomas showed
controversial results. The present study evaluates the p53 expression
in colonic adenomas, at different dysplasia degrees, by immunohistoche
mical analysis, using a newly introduced monoclonal anti-p53 antibody.
Paraffin embedded sections of 48 colorectal adenomas, 5 colonic carci
nomas and 11 normal colonic biopsies were studied by immunohistochemic
al analysis using a monoclonal mouse anti-p53 antibody (clone DO-1). N
ormal colonic mucosa specimens and 5/48 adenomas were found negative f
or p53 staining. p53-positive nuclei were less than 10% in 22/48 and b
etween 10 and 40% in 15/48 adenomas. In 6/48 adenomas and in 4/5 carci
nomas we found a high percentage of p53-positive nuclei ( > 40%). Immu
nohistochemical p53-positivity is a common event in colonic adenomas,
not dependent on dysplasia degree. It might be the result of p53 wild-
type increase, due to the typical genomic instability of colonic adeno