Several biliary proteins have cholesterol crystallisation promoting ac
tivity. One of these glycoproteins is aminopeptidase-N, a canalicular
ectoenzyme. This study attempted to localise aminopeptidase-N along th
e biliary tree, to assess its concentration in a series of 98 patients
subjected to abdominal surgery, 40 of them without gap stones, and to
correlate its concentration with cholesterol crystal formation time o
f gall bladder bile. Aminopeptidase-N was isolated from purified nativ
e biliary vesicles. A specific polyclonal rabbit anti-aminopeptidase-N
antibody was prepared for quantitative immunoblotting and for immunol
ocalisation. Tissue was obtained from liver biopsy specimens and from
gall bladders removed at surgery because of gall stone disease. Aminop
eptidase-N was immunolocalised to the apical membranes of hepatocytes
and to the apical pole of ductular and gall bladder mucosal cells. The
nucleation time of gall bladder bile was mean (SD) 4 (3) days in the
gall stone group, compared with 21 (18) days in the control group (p <
0.001). Total absolute biliary protein and aminopeptidase-N concentra
tions were similar in both the control and gall stone patients. There
was a reciprocal significant correlation, however, between the nucleat
ion time and the relative aminopeptidase-N concentration (r = -0.35, p
< 0.01) only in the gall stone group of patients, This study shows th
at this apical transmembrane ectoenzyme with cholesterol crystallisati
on promoting activity is present along the biliary tree and the hepato
cyte. These findings support the concept that high concentrations or q
ualitative changes of biliary aminopeptidase-N contribute to cholester
ol gall stone formation.