THE insulin-sensitive glucose transporter, GLUT4, is the most abundant
facilitative glucose transporter in muscle and adipose tissue, the ma
jor sites for postprandial glucose disposal, To assess the role of GLU
T4 in glucose homeostasis, we have disrupted the murine GLUT4 gene. Be
cause GLUT4 has been shown to be dysregulated in pathological states s
uch as diabetes and obesity, it was expected that genetic ablation of
GLUT4 would result in abnormal glucose homeostasis, The mice deficient
in GLUT4 (GLUT4-null) are growth-retarded and exhibit decreased longe
vity associated with cardiac hypertrophy and severely reduced adipose
tissue deposits, Blood glucose levels in female GLUT4-null mice are no
t significantly elevated in either the fasting or fed state; in contra
st, male GLUT4-null mice have moderately reduced glycaemias in the fas
ted state and increased glycaemias in the fed state, However, both fem
ale and male GLUT4-null mice exhibit postprandial hyperinsulinaemia, i
ndicating possible insulin resistance. Increased expression of other g
lucose transporters is observed in the liver (GLUT2) and heart (GLUT1)
but not skeletal muscle. Oral glucose tolerance tests show that both
female and male GLUT4-null mice clear glucose as efficiently as contro
ls, but insulin tolerance tests indicate that these mice are less sens
itive to insulin action, The GLUT4-null mice demonstrate that function
al GLUT4 protein is not required for maintaining nearly normal glycaem
ia but that GLUT4 is absolutely essential for sustained growth, normal
cellular glucose and fat metabolism, and expected longevity.