Considerable interindividual variability in the ototoxic effect of cis
platin has become the unpredictable dose-limiting factor in its use as
curative as well as palliative therapy. The drug accumulates in highl
y vascular areas in the cochlea, causing dose-related hair cell loss.
The purpose of this study was to assess blood how-dependent aspects of
cisplatin absorption in the cochlea in order to better understand fac
tors that may influence cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. The effect of r
educed cochlear blood flow on the ototoxic action of cisplatin was stu
died in guinea pigs. Before cisplatin administration the cochlear vasc
ulature in each animal was unilaterally pre-constricted, by the applic
ation of 2% epinephrine to the round window. A 20-30% reduction in coc
hlear blood flow, assessed by laser Doppler flowmetry, was maintained
before and after intravenous infusion of 0.1% cisplatin. Cisplatin inf
usion affected cochlear blood flow but not vessel conductivity. The co
chlear blood how decrease, maintained by local epinephrine application
to the round window during cisplatin infusion, did not alter the cisp
latin-induced hearing loss. In addition, the concentration of free cis
platin in scala tympani perilymph did not differ between epinephrine-t
reated and non-treated ears. Our results indicate that cisplatin trans
port into the cochlea is not an energy-dependent process in the latera
l wall vasculature.