Enormous financial resources are expended worldwide on the treatment o
f the urologic complications and symptoms induced by benign prostatic
hyperplasia (BPH). Even for its surgical management, where the best da
ta exist, current international accounting of these expenditures remai
ns very poorly documented. On February 8, 1994, the Department of Heal
th and Human Services of the US government released clinical guideline
s for the diagnosis and management of BPH. Imaging of the upper urinar
y tract as a routine diagnostic procedure is not recommended in these
guidelines unless a comorbidity indicating its need exists. Diagnostic
cystoscopy to assist in the decision of the need to treat is not reco
mmended. Adherence to these two principles along with adherence to the
strategies of management presented in the guidelines and discussed he
rein has the potential of achieving profound financial savings without
impairing quality of care worldwide.