Effects due to polarization of both colliding particles have been anal
yzed in terms of two independent amplitudes that, in the general case,
define the spin structure of the amplitude of the reaction dp --> He-
3 pi(0) in collinear geometry. The energy dependence of spin correlati
on C-L,C-L,C-O,C-O due to longitudinal polarization of colliding parti
cles is predicted using the moduli of amplitudes extracted from experi
mental data. The limit of possible deviations is obtained for spin cor
relation C-N,C-N,C-O,C-O due to transverse polarization of both partic
les. The values of these polarization observables at threshold are pre
dicted. The behavior of these polarization observables for the reactio
n dp --> He-3 pi(0), having the same spin structure, is discussed.