In this paper, a method to design high-efficiency codes with combined
run-length and de-null constraints is presented. Using the new method,
two new dc-free (1, 7) codes, with rates of 12/20 and 16/26, were dev
eloped. The code efficiencies are 89.31 and 91.6%, respectively. The p
roposed approach is more general than the technique used to design the
existing dc-free d = 1 code. The performances of the new codes are al
so compared with that of the rate 8/10 dc-free (0, 4) code. The minimu
m distance analysis and the bit error rate simulation both show that w
hile at low densities the proposed codes exhibit performance degradati
on compared to the higher rate (0, 4) code, they perform better than t
he latter as density increases, despite the code rate disadvantage.