Dissolved nitrite in natural waters was determined at subnanomolar lev
els by derivitization with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNPH) follo
wed by liquid chromatography. The analysis is rapid, involves minimal
sample preparation, and requires fairly standard laboratory equipment.
The method has undetectable blanks and a detection limit of 0.1 nM wi
th an average precision of 4% RSD at ambient natural water concentrati
ons, The azide formed upon reaction of NO2- with 2,4-DNPH at levels ty
pically found in coastal seawater is stable for at least 4 weeks when
kept cold in the dark, The stability of the nitrite derivative is extr
emely useful because it allows for large numbers of samples to be coll
ected and derivatized in relatively short time periods for later chrom
atographic analysis. Analytical results were verified by intercomparis
on with a standard, completely independent, colorometric technique in
several natural water types, Applications to fresh, estuarine, and mar
ine samples are also presented.