Setting: A regional hospital in Hong Kong. Objective: To study the dif
ferences in presentation of young and elderly patients with tuberculos
is (TB). Design: Between January 1991 and December 1992 all patients w
ith TB diagnosed at the Department of Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospit
al, were recruited into the study. The following data were collected:
body weight, coexisting medical problems, presenting symptoms, radiogr
aphic appearance, sputum results for acid-fast bacilli and peripheral
blood biochemistry. The patients were divided into young (< 65 years)
and elderly (greater than or equal to 65 years) age groups and differe
nces in presentation of the 2 groups were analysed. Results: There wer
e 78 young and 94 elderly patients with TB. The elderly patients had l
ower body weight, less haemoptysis but more non-specific complaints (2
5% vs 1%, P = 0.001). The chest radiographs in the elderly patients we
re less likely to have upper lobe infiltration (9% vs 37%, P = 0.0002)
but more commonly had extensive infiltration of both lungs (17% vs 2%
, P = 0.014). The only biochemical abnormality that was more common in
the elderly was a low serum albumin level (64% vs 45%, P < 0.05). Con
clusion: Elderly patients with TB are more likely to present with non-
specific complaints and atypical radiographic appearance. A high index
of suspicion and prompt investigations in elderly patients may allow
for earlier diagnosis and treatment of TB.