A theory is developed for plasma rotation in a rippled-field tokamak u
nder the conditions corresponding to the banana regime. This rotation
is assumed to be governed by the longitudinal plasma viscosity. The lo
ngitudinal fast-ion beam, which is present in experiments on fast-neut
ral injection, is incorporated. The solution of the drift kinetic equa
tion for the circulating ions is derived with allowance for the field
ripple. Using this solution, it is possible to calculate the contribut
ion that both the circulating ions and the ions trapped in the local r
ipple well make to the poloidal and toroidal viscous forces. The previ
ous understanding of the role played by locally trapped ions in the pr
oblem of plasma rotation is revised. Attention is drawn to the dominan
t influence of the frictional forces due to collisions between the cir
culating and locally trapped ions in the problem of toroidal viscosity
. The expressions for the stationary values of the poloidal and toroid
al velocities of the plasma are obtained. This approach is used to exp
lain the experimentally observed reduction in toroidal plasma velocity
caused by the ripple-depth growth.