Using ELISA on fixed endothelial hybridoma (EAhy.926) cells we investi
gated the occurrence of antiendothelial antibodies (AEA) in the sera f
rom patients with scleroderma systematica (SS) (n = 70) and Raynaud's
disease (RD) (n = 19). The mean IgG and IgA-AEA levels were significan
tly higher in the SS patients than RD patients (p < 0.001) and control
s (p < 0.001). We have detected circulating IgG-AEA in 64.2% of patien
ts with SS,. 35.2% of SS sera were positive for IgA-AEA. In patients w
ith RD, the frequency of AEA corresponded to that of the random popula
tion sample. We have found a high incidence of Raynaud's phenomenon, m
yositis, telangiectasia and marked digital ischaemia (digital ischemic
pulp ulcers, digital scares, osteolysis and autoamputation) among AEA
positive patients with SS. AEA-positive patients were characterized b
y high extent and severity of Raynaud's phenomenon and higher avenge n
ailfold capillary microscopy scores. No correlations were found betwee
n AEA and different clinical or laboratory parameters, including the t
ype of scleroderma (diffuse and limited), the presence of anti Scl-70
and anticentromere antibodies and the clinical features of SS (lungs,
kidneys and heart involve ment, esophageal dysfunction, calcinosis, Sj
ogren's syndrome). There was no significant correlation between the AE
A level and patient age, extent of skin involvement (skin score). Thus
, in SS, AEA is associated with a peripheral vasculopathy and represen
t a useful marker for the diagnosis of endothelial dysfunction.