Thalamic projections from the parafascicularis nucleus to the raphe sy
stem were studied by means of anterograde techniques, utilizing both b
iocytin and dextran amine in rats. Both tracers injections in the para
fascicularis nucleus resulted in the labeling of descending bundles of
fibers running along the brainstem. Labeled terminal fields were foun
d in all the raphe nuclei except the nucleus raphe pallidus. Three dif
ferent types of labeled terminals (numerous small boutons, less numero
us large claw-like terminals, varicosities in close apposition to bloo
d vessel walls) originating from the parafascicular nucleus were prese
nt in the raphe system. Ultrastructural data suggest an inhibitory nat
ure for the parafascicular-raphe projections. Our results confirm and
extend previous retrograde data by indicating the trajectories, the te
rminal fields, the fine structure of terminal axonal arborizations and
boutons. Based on previous retrograde data and our observations, we c
onclude that the relationship between the parafascicular nucleus and r
aphe system is reciprocal and concerns most of the raphe nuclei, sugge
sting that parafascicularis cell population may be involved in many of
the functions ascribed to the raphe system.