Conventional migration based on depth stepping extrapolation fails to
migrate turning wave energy because of its inability to propagate ener
gy with dips beyond 90 degrees. A viable strategy for imaging turning
waves is to use horizontal, rather than depth, extrapolation. This can
be implemented by a 90 degrees rotation of the extrapolator so that t
he data are extrapolated horizontally rather than vertically. In this
geometry, the energy associated with turned rays consistently moves in
the same direction as the extrapolation, and so only one pass is nece
ssary to image turned reflections. The viability of this strategy is d
emonstrated with both synthetic and field poststack data that include
turned reflections from salt flanks. Depth extrapolation images the ne
ar-horizontal structure and horizontal extrapolation images the near-v
ertical structure, and combining them gives a full image containing al
l dips.