Comprehensive quality control procedures were integrated into the rout
ine semen analysis workload of a large university-based andrology labo
ratory, Methods were chosen to match as far as possible those which ha
ve been used successfully for many years in disciplines such as clinic
al chemistry, Levey-Jennings and cusum charts were plotted in order to
monitor the immunobead-binding test for antisperm antibodies and a vi
deo-taped control sample for computerized semen analysis, A cryopreser
ved semen control was also charted, Daily manual sperm counts were plo
tted against the corresponding computer-assisted semen analysis (CASA)
value, Multiple readings of 30 slides were used to monitor morphology
assessments. Monthly means for morphology were also calculated regula
rly, Coefficients of variation were calculated for all variables and w
ere found to be more appropriate for some aspects, such as CASA, than
for others, such as morphology, when difference from the previous read
ing of the same slide was found to be more useful, These integrated qu
ality control procedures had a direct influence on the production of r
esults from the laboratory, Together with a high standard of technicia
n training, comprehensive routine quality control based on repeated an
alyses of control samples is an effective way of assuring the validity
of semen analysis results.