I. Frigyes et Aj. Seeds, OPTICALLY GENERATED TRUE-TIME DELAY IN PHASED-ARRAY ANTENNAS, IEEE transactions on microwave theory and techniques, 43(9), 1995, pp. 2378-2386
This tutorial review paper deals with various methods for solving a ba
sic problem of wideband phased arrays, i.e. beam squinting, using opti
cal technologies. The problem of beam squinting in phased arrays is an
alyzed and the concept of true-time delay is introduced. The advantage
s of realizing variable delay hues by optical rather than by microwave
means are reviewed, together with principles of operation. Among the
techniques described are switched-path length delay lines, fiber stret
chers, tunable lasers with highly dispersive fiber, and coherent techn
iques incorporating dispersive delay. Recent experimental results are
discussed in the light of practical system requirements.