The implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) is remarkably effecti
ve in preventing sudden cardiac death in high-risk patients, but it al
so has the capacity to provoke or worsen cardiac arrhythmias. Tachyarr
hythmias or bradyarrhythmias may result from the delivery of antitachy
cardia or antibradycardia therapies by tiered-therapy defibrillators.
This proarrhythmia, although rarely fatal, increases the morbidity ass
ociated with defibrillator therapy. Proarrhythmia is related as much t
o suboptimal programming as to technical limitations of the device. Th
e proarrhythmic potential of ICD therapy can be minimized by tailoring
the ''electrical prescription'' according to characteristics of the c
linical arrhythmia and individual ICD idiosyncrasies.