The concept of valence is discussed in relation to recent studies of t
he subvalence spectra of free atoms. It is argued that valence can be
profoundly modified by accidental degeneracies which occur as a result
of centrifugal barrier effects. Examples of ''atomic hybridisation''
are given, and their effects on observed spectra are discussed. Anothe
r kind of valence change occurs when a radial wavefunction is poised o
n the verge of orbital collapse. An example is given where a change of
valence can be triggered in an atomic cluster by varying the cluster
size. The origin of the effect is traced to properties of the inner sh
ort-range well in the effective atomic potential when the centrifugal
term is included. It is concluded that more account needs to be taken
of the underlying atomic effects and especially radial properties when
setting up theories of valence for transition elements.