This article presents a survey on the innovative features of a handful
of languages that offer new features that can be valuable in numerica
l analysis, and a survey of the pros and cons of the languages with re
gards to work in numerical analysis. Language features such as polymor
phism, first-class functions, and object-oriented programming offer im
proved writability, readability, reliability, and maintenance of compu
ter software. The article discusses language features and uses, and in
cludes a comparison of current implementations. It is intended both as
an introduction to nonprocedural language features for persons workin
g in numerical mathematics and as an exploration of some of the langua
ge requirements of numerical mathematics for persons working in langua
ge development. The article discusses C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Has
kell, Lisp/CLOS, Modula-3, Sather, and SML with respect to a variety o
f numerical analysis tasks: interpolation, optimization, array access
and update, iteration, recursion, random number generation, and Gaussi
an elimination on sparse matrices.