Material and methods: From July 1993 to April 1994, forty dentascans w
ere performed at Bicetre Hospital, on an Elscint Elite Plus scanner fo
r: chronic sinusitis (18 cases); cystic pathologies (8 cases); pre-ope
rative assessment for dental implantation (14 cases). Results: Dentasc
an images permitted a precise analysis of dentomaxillary anomalies. In
all cases they demonstrated the anatomical relationships of the lesio
ns, permitting a determination of potential complications. In chronic
sinusitis dental pathology was demonstrated including peri-apical gran
ulomas or cysts breaks or elevations of the floor of the maxillary sin
us, malplaced dental filling material in the maxillary antrum and fist
ula tracks. Among the 14 pre-operative assessments, four cases of infe
ctious lesions were demonstrated, thereby counter-indicating dental im
plantation. Conclusion: The dentascan appears to be very useful for de
ntomaxillary pathology by facilitating diagnosis and the formulation o
f treatment and operative strategies.