A graph G is deg ree-bounded-colorable (briefly, db-colorable) if it c
an be properly vertex-colored with colors 1,2,..., k less than or equa
l to Delta(G) such that each vertex v is assigned a color c(v) less th
an or equal to deg v. We first prove that if a connected graph G has a
block which is neither a complete graph nor an odd cycle, then G is d
b-colorable. One may think of this as an Improvement of Brooks' theore
m in which the global bound Delta(G) on the number of colors is replac
ed by the local bound deg v on the color at vertex v. Extending the ab
ove result, we provide an algorithmic characterization of db-colorable
graphs, as well as a nonalgorithmic characterization of db-colorable
trees. We briefly examine the problem of determining the smallest inte
ger k such that G is db-colorable with colors 1,2,..., k. Finally, we
extend these results to set coloring. (C) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.