Ocular contents from a horse with a 4-week history of severe unilatera
l uveitis were submitted for histopathologic examination. A severe uni
lateral granulomatous chorioretinitis with intralesional Halicephalobu
s deletrix was diagnosed. The horse developed progressive neurologic s
igns several days following the surgery to remove ocular contents and
implant a prosthesis and was subsequently euthanatized. A severe multi
focal granulomatous encephalitis with intralesional H. deletrix, local
ized primarily to the optic chiasm, thalamus, and brain stem, was diag
nosed from tissues acquired at necropsy. The other eye was not affecte
d. This is the first report of ocular parasitism by H. deletrix and su
ggests possible systemic dissemination from a primary site in the eye.