From October 1993 to August 1994 four distal stomach resections (three
Billroth-ll reconstructions and one Billroth-l reconstruction) were p
erformed laparoscopically. The first patient, who was 83 years old, pr
esented with a stenosing bleeding, pre-pyloric, malignant non-Hodgkin-
lymphoma. The second patient, who was 84 years old, presented with an
ulcerated, non-malignant leiomyoblastoma of the antrum. Due to the his
tological type of the tumours a radical lymphadenectomy was not perfor
med. The other two patients presented with a persisting pre-pyloric ul
cer combined with an almost complete stenosis of the pylorus. All oper
ations followed the principles of conventional open surgery. Anastomos
es were stapled intracorporally. The specimen was removed in a lap sac
through a 3.5 cm infra-umbilical incision. Intra-abdominal complicati
ons did not occur. However, the first patient (with non-Hodgkin-lympho
ma) died on the 21st post-operative day from cardio-pulmonary failure.
The other three patients were discharged from hospital after an uneve
ntful recovery.