The telephony market in the UK has been subject to substantial structu
ral change over the last five years. Examples of this change include t
he growth of competition, the availability of volume related price dis
counts, and the introduction of special offers. Under these conditions
, the assessment of market response to price changes using elasticitie
s obtained from traditional time series econometric methods becomes in
valid, rendering forecasts potentially inaccurate. This paper explores
three alternative techniques for estimating price elasticities: the c
ross-sectional technique, the calculation of ''implied'' price sensiti
vity to special offers, and the calculation of price elasticities of v
arious market segments. Price elasticities will be shown to vary subst
antially, depending on the method of analysis and situational characte
ristics (broadly categorised as simple, structural, and special offer)
. The authors conclude that elasticities should be viewed by managers
as instruments one can try to manipulate rather than as fixed paramete