Objective: To investigate the dependence of the hazard of symptomatic
AIDS on various markers using a non-parametric method. The markers we
consider are measures of time (time since infection and calendar date)
, measures of immune function (numbers and percentage of CD4 T cells)
and serological activation markers (neopterin and beta(2)-microglobuli
n). Methods: We adapted a non-parametric statistical method to estimat
e the hazard of AIDS. We considered both univariate analyses, in which
each marker was considered separately and bivariate analyses of pairs
of markers. Conclusions: Using data from 356 seroconverters from the
Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study, we found that in the univariate analyse
s the hazard of AIDS is dependent on all markers, with the strongest d
ependence for CD4 count and CD4 percentage. In the bivariate analyses
we found that the time since infection is of little importance in dete
rmining the hazard of AIDS if the CD4 count or percentage are known, a
nd is of minor additional Value if one of the serological markers is k
nown. In contrast, we found that both beta(2)-microglobulin and neopte
rin do add some additional information to the hazard of AIDS if CD4 co
unt or CD4 percentage are known.