AP-2 has been characterized previously as a unique 52x10(3) M(r) trans
cription activator encoded by a single gene that is expressed in a res
tricted pattern during embryonic morphogenesis of the peripheral nervo
us system, face, skin and nephric tissues, Here we report the isolatio
n of genomic and cDNA clones encoding for a second AP-2 related transc
ription factor, designated AP-2 beta. AP-2 beta binds specifically to
a series of well-characterized AP-2 binding sites, consensus to the se
quence G/CCCN(3)GGC, and transactivates transcription from a reporter
plasmid under the control of an AP-2-dependent promoter, A C-terminal
domain known to mediate homodimerization of the previously cloned AP-2
alpha transcription activator is highly conserved and sufficient to m
ediate interaction between the two proteins, Northern blot and in situ
hybridizations revealed that the two genes are expressed in murine em
bryos between days 9.5 and 19.5 p.c. Coexpression of both mRNAs was de
tected in many tissues at day 13.5 and 15.5 of embryogenesis but some
regions of the developing brain and face including the primordium of m
idbrain and the facial mesenchyme differed in their expression pattern
of AP-2 genes, AP-2 alpha and AP-2 beta signals in the central and pe
ripheral nervous system overlapped with regions of developing sensory
neurons. In adult tissues AP-2 alpha expression was found mainly in th
e skin, eye and prostate and AP-2 beta expression in the kidney. In su
mmary, our analyses of embryonic and adult mice demonstrate that two d
ifferent AP-2 transcription factors are specifically expressed during
differentiation of many neural, epidermal and urogenital tissues.