A formula has been developed which allows a single numerical botanical
importance score to be calculated for estuaries. The formula includes
the area cover of each estuarine plant community type, its associatio
n with the estuary, its condition and the plant community richness. Th
is study focused temporarily and permanently open estuaries along the
Cape coast, which for convenience was divided into four regions: Weste
rn Cape; South-Western Cape; Southern Cape and South-Eastern Cape. Thi
rty three temporarily and permanently open estuaries were studied and
rated according to important within the whole Cape coast, regional imp
ortance (i.e. Southern Cape or South-Eastern Cape) as well as against
other estuaries of their type (i.e. temporarily or permanently open).
The Olifants Estuary on the west coast received the highest importance
score for the whole Cape coast. It has extensive marshes in its lower
reaches that are in good condition. Reed and submerged macrophyte bed
s are also a feature of this estuary. Two False Bay estuaries, the Lou
rens and the Sir Lowry's Pass, and the lowest scores. These estuaries
are severely impacted as a result of residential and industrial proxim
ity, and rehabilitatory steps would be necessary to restore any botani
cal significance to them. Not all the regions' estuaries were used to
obtain these scores and more need to be included to make the importanc
e rating relevant to all estuaries along the whole South African coast
. This rating can be used to identify estuaries which are worthy of re
ceiving a high conservation status.