Since 1987, pyloric traumamyoplasty, a technique for the resolution of
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, has been used in 111 patients. Continu
ous prensile force is applied with Babcock intestinal clamps, with con
sequent rupture of the muscular layer, without disruption of the mucos
a. Because this is a simple procedure that requires introduction of on
ly one noncutting instrument, it has now been applied laparoscopically
in 17 patients, Twelve were under 30 days of age; seven weighed less
than 3.5 kg. The hospital stay averaged 1.8 days, and the average surg
ical time was less than 30 minutes, Only two trocar incisions were mad
e in each case-one for the laparoscope video camera and lamp, the othe
r for a modified Babcock clamp. There were no deaths and no complicati
ons related to the pyloric repair procedure, The authors conclude that
laparoscopic pyloric traumamyoplasty is an attractive alternative for
the management of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Copyright (C) 1995 b
y W.B. Saunders Company.