In this review the factors regulating production of corticotrophin-rel
easing hormone (CRH) in intrauterine tissues are discussed and interac
tions of placental CRH with placental pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC)/adre
nocorticotrophin (ACTH) and prostaglandins (PG) are examined. Discrepa
nt results concerning localization of immunoreactive (IR-) CRH and its
binding protein (CRH-BP) and their mRNAs in intrauterine tissues are
described, and these issues require further resolution. It is suggeste
d that the CRH-ACT-PG axis in the placenta and choriodecidua may be im
portant in relation to paracrine/autocrine regulation of uteroplacenta
l blood flow, and in term and preterm labour. During the initial state
s of preterm labour in the setting of infection, intrauterine cytokine
s and other factors may stimulate CRH output, implying a role for the
immune-neuroendocrine axes in this process. With loss of chronic troph
oblasts in advanced infection leading to preterm labour, a major intra
uterine site of CRH production may be lost and the influence of this p
athway becomes minimal. At this time increased intrauterine prostaglan
din synthesis, together with loss of prostaglandin dehydrogenase activ
ity in the fetal membranes, may become the primary route leading to my
ometrial activity and delivery.