Sequential algorithms and conventional architectures for grading tubul
es in digitized images of microscopic slide information of breast canc
er malignancies are time-consuming and labor-intensive because of high
computational complexity. This paper presents a parallel algorithm an
d its corresponding VLSI architecture for grading tubules in breast ca
ncer lesions in real time. The algorithm relies on a combination of cr
iteria used by physicians including brightness contrast, dark edge, an
d uniform density of tubule areas. The algorithm exploits concurrencie
s in both the space domain and the time domain. It only requires each
processing element (PE) to perform three simple operations such as add
ition, subtraction, and comparison, which makes every PE simple. The e
ssential parallelism in the proposed algorithm facilitates its impleme
ntation using VLSI architecture, so that the time complexity is only O
(N-2/k) if using kxk processing elements, where N is the dimension of
the image plane. If k=N, the time complexity will be O(N), compared wi
th O(N-2) using a uniprocessor. A series of experiments and simulation
s have verified the high performance of the proposed algorithm and the
parallel VLSI architecture.