Aim: to elucidate the experience of labour for those receiving any asp
ect of care in a midwife-led unit. Participants: a total of 32 women a
nd six partners who were interviewed during the postnatal period, eith
er prior to discharge from the unit or between three and five months f
ollowing delivery. Method: in-depth focused interviews were taped, tra
nscribed, and analysed using a grounded theory approach to identify co
mmon categories of experience. Findings: the core category to emerge w
as the balance of perceived control and perceived support, Sub-categor
ies included feeling informed, having options and choices, a supportiv
e environment and someone to trust and give confidence, Continuity of
care was found not to be an option for those whose care was transferre
d during pregnancy or labour. Conclusions: staffing levels which provi
de immediate access to the support of the midwife throughout labour en
hance personal control, Those with the greatest need for support and c
ontinuity of care and carer are among those least likely to receive it