Concentrations of dykes of basic composition emplaced in the same igne
ous episode or along similar trends are known as mafic dyke swarms and
they occur in a wide variety of environments and over a wide range of
scales on Earth. Recent radar mapping of Venus has revealed families
of linear features interpreted to be the surface expression of near-su
rface dyke swarms. The lack of significant erosion on Venus provides a
view of the surface manifestation of dyke swarm emplacement, one whic
h complements the terrestrial perspective of erosion to deeper levels.
The goal of this review is to synthesize the information available on
both planets in order to use the complementary and synergistic record
of mafic dyke swarm emplacement to build toward a better understandin
g of this important phenomenon in planetary history. We focus on the f
ormation and evolution of giant dyke swarms which cover tens to hundre
ds of thousands of square kilometres on both Earth and Venus. Mafic dy
ke swarms on Earth occur in a wide range of modes and are observed in
environments ranging from volcanic edifices (e.g., Hawaii), lo central
complexes (e.g., Spanish Peaks Complex, USA; Ramon Swarm, Israel), sp
reading centres and ophiolite complexes, compressional plate boundarie
s in back-are settings (Columbia River Basalts, USA) and in continent-
continent collisions. One of the most impressive modes of occurrence i
s that linked to the formation and evolution of mantle plumes. Terrest
rial examples include a giant radiating swarm covering 100 degrees of
azimuth (the Mackenzie swarm, Canada), a 360 degrees giant radiating s
warm (the Central Atlantic reconstructed swarm), deformed giant radiat
ing swarms (the Matachewan swarm, Canada), rift-arm associated swarms
(e.g., Grenville swarm, Canada; Yakutsk swarm, Siberia), and one consi
sting of widely separated dykes (e.g., the Abitibi swarm, Canada). We
summarize the geometric, chemical and isotopic characteristics of terr
estrial dyke swarms, including their size and geometry, ages, presence
and absence of subswarms, and the relation between swarms of differen
t ages. We also summarize the characteristics of individual dykes, exa
mining dyke length and continuity, en echelon offsets, dyke bifurcatio
n, dyke height, width and depth; dyke intrusion and cooling history, a
nd evidence for flow directions. On Venus at least 163 large radiating
lineament systems (radius generally > 100 km) composed of graben, fis
sure and fracture elements have been identified. On the basis of their
structure, plan view geometry and volcanic associations, the radial e
lements of more than 70% of these are interpreted to have formed prima
rily through subsurface dyke swarm emplacement, with the remainder for
ming through uplift or some combination of these two mechanisms. These
systems are essentially uneroded and provide a view of the surface ch
aracteristics of giant radial swarms prior to the erosion which common
ly occurs on Earth. The individual graben, fissures and fractures of w
hich the systems are composed are typically less than several kilometr
es in width and cluster near the centre, with fissures grading smoothl
y into fractures at greater distances to define the overall radial pat
tern. While the largest systems, like those on Earth, are thousands of
kilometres in radius, the population average is about 325 km, and the
y generally do not extend to equal lengths in all directions. In their
distal regions, however, the elements in 72% of the systems continue
along a purely radial trend, while distal elements in the remaining 28
% curve gradually into unidirectional, sub-parallel geometries, genera
lly interpreted to be related to regional stress patterns. The radial
systems have a strong association with volcanism; all but seven displa
y some form of volcanic signature. A review of models of the emplaceme
nt of lateral dykes from magma chambers under constant (buffered) driv
ing pressure conditions and declining (unbuffered) driving pressure co
nditions indicates that the two pressure scenarios lead to distinctly
different styles of dyke emplacement. Emplacement of lateral dykes in
the constant driving pressure (buffered) case, however, can produce dy
kes which have sizes and widths which are very large and independent o
f chamber size. On Earth, the characteristics of giant mafic dyke swar
ms such as the Mackenzie dyke swarm in Canada strongly suggest that th
ey were emplaced in buffered conditions. On Earth, giant radiating dyk
e swarms are usually preserved as fan-shaped fragments which have been
dismembered and distorted by subsequent plate tectonic rifting events
. The abundant intact giant radiating swarms on Venus provide criteria
by which fragmented terrestrial swarms can be reconstructed.