Design requirements for the advanced light water reactor (ALWR) have b
een developed so as to provide high assurance of containment integrity
even in the event of a severe accident. The containment integrity req
uirements are in the farm of two design criteria, and associated metho
dology, which address containment severe accident performance and offs
ite dose and are specified in the ALWR utility requirements document (
URD), a set of detailed design requirements for next generation plants
in the US. The containment performance criterion, which is the main f
ocus of this paper, specifies that plant design characteristics and fe
atures shall be provided to preclude core damage sequences which could
bypass containment and to withstand core damage sequence loads. This
containment performance capability, along with the associated dose mit
igation capability, provides a technical basis for emergency planning
change since there would not be the same need for rapid offsite emerge
ncy response that is called for under the existing US emergency planni
ng basis.