Energy storage and pulse forming for electromagnetic and electro-therm
al chemical guns has historically been accomplished through the use of
complex power trains. Such power trains typical involve a prime power
source, electrical or mechanical power conversion devices, capacitive
or flywheel energy storage devices, and sophisticated switching and c
ontrol elements. Kaman Electromagnetics (KEG) has developed concepts f
or simpler pulse power systems where chemical energy is converted more
directly into an electrical output which can be utilized by an electr
ic gun load without further conditioning. One family of devices which
has shown considerable promise is the linear flux compressor. Early wo
rk with flux compressors used explosives and was suited only for micro
second duration pulses. More recent efforts utilizing propellants and
even conventional hydrocarbon fuels can provide millisecond duration p
ulses which are well suited for electric gun type loads. Internally fu
nded efforts indicate linear flux compressor pulse power supplies can
be considerable smaller and lighter than conventional systems. This pa
per will present the operational principles and design issues of linea
r flux compressors suitable for EM guns. Point designs, performance si
mulations and general scaling relationships will also be presented.