With the recent successes in the development of electro-thermal-chemic
al cartridge technology, the need for an advanced repetitive fire powe
r supply has become a more near-term problem. While capacitor banks ha
ve provided the single-shot capability necessary for optimizing charge
design and the required electrical pulse shape, it is not clear that
it is the best power supply for a gelded system. The primary disadvant
age of the capacitor approach is the requirement for recharging the ba
nk between shots. Conceptually, the required charging is accomplished
with either a high voltage alternator and rectifier, or a battery bank
which requires power conditioning (D-D converters, etc.) to achieve t
he required 15 to 20 kV charging voltage. In the case of the alternato
r-rectifier system, energy storage for multiple shots can be built int
o the alternator rotor (or by adding an energy storage flywheel). Sinc
e battery charging system design is typically driven by power consider
ations, the battery needed to perform the charging will generally stor
e-sufficient energy for several shots. In either case, the pulsed powe
r system is composed of two distinct components: a capacitor based pul
se forming network (PFN) and an energy storage/charging power supply.
Rotating machines provide the advantage of combining the two functions
described above into a single smaller package. Under Us. and Marine C
orps funding, the Center for Electromechanics has been developing comp
act, lightweight pulsed rotating machines (compensated pulsed alternat
ors, or compulsators) for electromagnetic guns for the past 10 years.
Air-core and iron-core variants of these machines have demonstrated an
ability to efficiently drive low impedance pulsed loads. Other advant
ages of these machines over PFNs include lower operating voltages, hig
her burst firing rates, and the ability to store a substantial number
of shots in rotor energy. In addition, a wide variety of pulse shapes
are possible and the current profile can be varied from shot to shot i
f needed. This paper describes the important rotating machine power su
pply design considerations for two operational ETC missions. Aspects o
f energy storage for burst bring and prime power averaging, pulse shap
ing capabilities, and switching requirements are also discussed.