The electron radiation induced changes in the chemical composition and
structure of tetrafluoroethylene homopolymer (PTFE) as well as its co
polymers with hexafluoropropylene (FEP) and perfluoropropylvinylether
(PFA) were studied mainly by infrared spectroscopy. Irradiations carri
ed out in the presence of air cause the formation of acid fluoride end
groups, which subsequently hydrolyzed to carboxylic acid end groups i
n the presence of moisture. The irradiation of these three fluoropolym
ers yield essentially the same results. However, the degree of oxidati
on is higher in the case of FEP and PFA copolymers than for PTFE under
the same irradiation conditions. In the second part, we describe the
covalent linkage of (aminopropyl)triethoxysilane to the irradiated flu
oropolymer surfaces. It should be possible to use such modified materi
als containing triethoxysilane functionality as 'coupling agents' to b
ond fluoropolymers onto glass or metal.