Jb. Ullrich et al., CONCENTRATION OF SYNCHROTRON BEAMS BY MEANS OF MONOLITHIC POLYCAPILLARY X-RAY OPTICS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 364(2), 1995, pp. 362-367
Capillary optics are valuable tools for concentrating synchrotron radi
ation [D.J. Tiel, A.E. Stern, D.H. Bilderback and A. Lewis, Physica B
158 (1989) 314]. Single tapered capillaries are used at several facili
ties. However, most of these optics collect only over a small area. Th
is can be overcome by using larger capillary structures. Polycapillary
optics can deflect X-rays by larger angles than other X-ray optics th
at use only one or two reflections. Conventional X-ray optics that ach
ieve similar deflections are much more energy selective than capillari
es. Therefore, capillaries can achieve very short focal distances for
a wide range of energies. The measurements shown here represent first
tests performed with polycapillaries with large collection area. The p
erformance with respect to transmission efficiency and spot size was e
valuated for a set of four very different prototypes. It is shown that
for these prototypes a significant gain may be achieved if a spot siz
e of the order of 0.1 mm is required. Further, some characteristics of
the different optics are discussed.